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Can I pay off half of my debt in 2011?

2011 January 3

Flickr by niseag03

Last year I made some pretty bold New Year’s Resolutions to not buy any clothes, shoes, or purses for the entire year, and not to use my credit cards.  How’d I do?  With the exception of some new clothes for my trip to Europe and some new shoes for work, that was it.  Also, while I was in Europe I used my credit card.  I justified those purchases since it was an all-expense paid trip, and I wanted to bring some souvenirs back with me.

I discovered that last year my resolutions did curb my impulse to buy things for ME, but I also noticed that I bought more clothes, toys, and shoes for my kids.  This year my financial resolution needs to be bigger and more purposeful.

My 2011 New Year Resolution:

I will pay off $14,239.65 in credit card debt in 2011.

This is half of the total amount that we owe, and it’s going to mean coming up with an additional $670 a month over the minimum payments so some serious financial belt-tightening will be in store, but it’s possible. Since accountability helps drive my goals, I’ll be sharing my progress on the site-so wish me luck!

What are your big New Year’s Resolutions?


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2 Responses leave one →
  1. January 3, 2011

    You can do it, Rachel! And, you will feel so awesome when you do.

    • Rachel Naugle permalink
      January 5, 2011

      Thanks, Jodi! I really appreciate the support. Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

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