Are Satanic rituals being held on the Barton Creek Greenbelt? [PICTURES]
Nothing says summer like a nice hike and swim on the Barton Creek Greenbelt. Bring a dog and some Lonestar Tall Boys, and you’ve got a day made in Heaven. But based on a recent discovery, it looks like some folks seem intent on taking the Greenbelt straight to HELL!
Check out this pic of what I scurried upon the other day while hiking near the Flats:
Here’s a screen capture of the object in the background of our recent interview with Austin electro band GOBI:
Now, I’m no priest or occultist or whatever, but I’m pretty sure that this structure looks like some sort of ‘pagan shrine’ or ‘satanic alter.’ Note the ‘horned-shaped’ towers at the top.
And I’m not sure any man could create a structure with all those rocks so delicately balanced.
Definitely looks like sorcery to me.
Come to think of it, I always seem to smell some sort of pungent, musky smoke, like leaves or herb being burnt.
Do you think there are dragons on the Greenbelt?
Oh yeah, and what’s with all the drumming? It’s like someone is trying to summon a demon eye from the gates of hell like on Lord of the Rings.
Have you seen a giant eye on the Greenbelt?
Oh snap! I’d hate to walk in on some sort of warlock vs wizards fight on the Greenbelt. That would totes harsh my mellow.
Are demonic forces trying to take over our city?
Is sorcery responsible for the heavy rains we’ve had this summer?
Are warlocks stealing Austin’s koi fish and/or human ashes?
Would Harry Potter live off SoCo or on the East Side?
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ROA Are Satanic rituals being held on the Barton Creek Greenbelt? [PICTURES]:
Nothing says summe… [link to post] via @ATX4U
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Actually, I think something does go on out there. I once saw what looked like blood, or maybe it was red spray paint, but it looked like blood that was smeared with hands all over the rocks in designs that formed symbols that I could only guess what they meant. There were also bones around.
Now that IS scary. Take pictures next time
This explains the water that recently DISAPPEARED!
YES! It totally vanished! Or was it stolen?!