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High heels in the garden-How Austin’s new ‘Cult of Domesticity’ keeps us green.

2010 April 6

Ari churns the compost as Amy rakes up weeds

I love listening to my grandmother’s romanticized tales of life on her farm in Mexico.  She speaks of a time when delicate, virtuous women were expected to reign the sphere of the household. They managed their homes as devoted wives and nurturing mothers.  During the age of “The Cult of Domesticity,” a household functioned flawlessly because the woman was the solid center that held it together.

Abuelita was never able to accept the fact that I, her first granddaughter, didn’t wear pantyhose or aprons, and loved to do yard work. My dark skin was an indicator that I spent an indecent amount of time doing outdoor labor, and was unfit to be a “true lady.” According to her, a woman should stay inside and tend to a lady’s chores. I’m sure that she feels that I am still unwed on account of my barbaric customs.

While I don’t have a husband, I DO have a home and a family;  it’s just more of the modern kind.  I’m a member of the NEW cult of domesticity!  I have come to realize that a home functions best when everyone takes on the roles that best fit their skills.

My home combines a perfect blend of the feminist/progressive philosophies my career driven mother taught me with the old methods of sustainable living my Abuelita claims are the ways to a successful life. The modern day Austinite should strive to be the best in the office, while simultaneously governing a self-sustainable household.

Here at Casa de Guerrero, we have our day jobs, and we aim to become less reliant on the culture of consumerism.  In this home, it doesn’t matter if you wear a dress or pants; a “true woman” should know how to mow the lawn just as well as she can mend her old garments.  Sustainable living is about striking a balance between work life and home life. Being green doesn’t mean you must choose between success at the office or at home. In this city, men and women, should strive to habitually do both.  For the most part, I think we’re on the right track.

Aaron hangs towels from the clothes line

This week our home project was weeding the back yard and putting up a clothes line to give our clothes that fresh spring scent without running up the electric bill.  By coming up with new domestic projects we will achieve super-human status.  We can and WILL have it all.

DISCUSS: How does your family strike a balance between home and work life to stay green?

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5 Responses leave one →
  1. April 6, 2010

    Nice Ari, love the “Sustainable living is about striking a balance between work life and home life,” quote. Couldn’t agree more amiga, keep it up.

  2. April 6, 2010

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    High heels in the garden–How Austin’s new ‘Cult of Domesticity … [link to post]

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  3. Joey permalink
    April 6, 2010

    Does your home really combine the “perfect blend of the feminist/progressive philosophies”? That’s a pretty bold and self-stroking claim.

  4. Ari permalink
    April 8, 2010

    Ha! Well maybe not the “perfect”. I mean, we don’t make our own soap… yet. And I’m no Sonia Montemayor… but we do try. Forgive the embellishment Joey :)

    • April 8, 2010

      Ari - You should answer “hell yes” to Mr. Joey, self-stroking or not.

      If you’re going to make bold statements, stick to it because it’s perfect to you. Don’t back down because nobody is forcing people to read your thoughts kiddo :)

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