“Austin Film Fest 2009: Video Interview with ‘Love and Tambourines’ Austin Filmmakers Stephanie Hunt and Jeremy Cohen”
Stephanie Hunt and Jeremy Cohen symbolically convey the name of their movie "Love and Tambourines."
One of the movies I’m looking forward to seeing most is “Love and Tambourines.” Filmed around Austin at places like Beauty Bar and Flipnotics, the movie promises to capture the essence of Austin in a quest to discover love through music, on-the-street interviews and the story of two friends trying to have fun on Valentine’s Day. One part documentary, one part music film, one part narrative, it’s kinda like a hybrid docu-dramedy. Since I love anything that pushes boundaries, I’m hoping this one delivers. It’s also exciting to see such promise coming from Stephanie Hunt and Jeremy Cohen, two young Austin Filmmakers.
While at the Austin Film Festival, we had the chance to sit down with Stephanie and Jeremy and chat with them about the film. Jeremy and I have several friends on Facebook. A one man crew, Jeremy shot the film entirely by himself. If Stephanie looks familiar, you may have 1) seen the Austin native dancing around the Beauty Bar 2) playing tambourine in the band T-Bird & the Breaks or 3) as the lesbian bass player on “Friday Night Lights.” Not only are these two smart and talented, they’re pretty fun, too.
WATCH: Watch the 5-minute video to learn more about the abstract notions of love, shooting a film without a script, and the sacred art of tambourine shaking. Oh yeah, we even try to figure out the best ways to make a heart with your hands.
- Saturday, October 24th, 1P; The Independent at 501
- Wednesday, October 28, 9:30pm; Rollins Theater
INTERACT: Check out their Video Blog and Facebook Fan Page
Chris chats with Stephanie Hunt and Jeremy Cohen from "Love and Tambourines"
Chris makes hand hearts with Stephanie Hunt and Jeremy Cohen from "Love and Tambourines"
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